Hey Phil, have you ever considered giving money to a friend and having him order them to his address ?Much safer .One thing to bear in mind is sativas are more tree-like in nature they get very big and need lots of root space and growing room .If thats not an issue go for it id love to see some...
hmmm that would make a well funny tv show, two old stoner men and the stupid crap they get caught up in.... ones hard of hearing the others opinionated and always ranting about how it was back in his day ..... sorry if im off topic i just had the idea and had to write it down
when i first started out i also had great plans for many plants .... then i realised 1) a large grow costs large money 2) makes you more vulnerable to the evil eye and 3)i read about the genetics i wanted to use and realised i could grow 1 KG in a 1 M squared area - more than enough for me...
Barneys Farm do have some very good genetics, and i'm really happy you chose the LSD strain because i want to grow LSD next so it will be very interesting :D currently i'm Growing Barneys Farm - Blue Cheese. Are you goinjg to be growing indoors or out , soil or hydro ? i'm subscribed and will be...
why do u need so many plants , 5 LSD seeds when grown out big will provide you with an easy month - 2 month supply of weed . if you grow sativa plants usually u get bigger plants with higher yields. if this is your first grow i strongly advise u grow the same genetics. ie : 5 raw diesel plants...
I believe personally that marijuana is the best thing ever placed on this earth by god (whatever your definition of god may be - personally i dont believe in the man with the long white beard up in the sky )
When i smoke weed i feel more spiritually in touch with myself and those around me . i...
Hang on just a minute ....... has any1 considered how the cat feels about all this ?
In all seriousness mate if you have done all your can, you dont have kids and she's creating negativity in your life that doesent need to be there. well i know what i would do. just make sure u take the cat...
you will have in the region of about 16-18000 lumens with the 300w CFL, im busy vegging 3 plants under 1 300w cfl and they are doing beautifully :bigjoint:
Have a look : Scroungers Guide to the Stealth Cabinet
I wouldent do anything now m8 u probably have about 4 weeks left, not enough time for new growth to sprout and more buds to develop im afraid. u might just stress the plant a little unnecessarily
HAHA munkee im so proud and jelous at the same time lol :weed:
looks like ur gna be MOST high for the next few weeks. i know what u mean about the finishing process, as with all growing its 90% research and 10% intuition , im already worried about drying and curing and im not even finished veg...
In my short experience the plants iv exposed to more frequent nutes have also been a bit more vibrant and healthy looking. if your nutes are organic ul have less chance of burning the plants with them too :bigjoint:
ALTHOUGH ... If you look at my thread ul notice im using a technique at the...
T5's would definately be useful for veg unless the Enhanced 600w has some blue spectrum in it, then the 600w wins. By all means use both, the more lumens the better but clutter is a killer for me. i like the simplicity of 1 all purpose bulb :bigjoint:
Sweet lookin setup :bigjoint: i would advise thinking twice about organic....but then again i'm biased that way as i believe it gives my bud a better taste and quality :weed:
The extra T5's wont make the world of difference if u already have a 600w Enhanced HID . i think it would just...
Hey gamber, good to see uv recovered and things are moving forward again (i was worried for a while). larry looks like shes going to get huge in the next few weeks :bigjoint:
Clones also looking nice hope to see some fat buds in the coming months :D +rep for bringin it back !