I keep getting my clones to take so I always have more clones than I need. I take 2 every time just in case and they all work out. I'm sewing my own pots today. It's pretty cheap, I got a 6 dollar roll of the weed blocker at virtually any store and cut out "smart pots" with it and bam I have...
O shit it's Darth!! Yea man I'm burnin it right now. I was too busy gettin blazed to take a lot of pics but this shit is hella frosty. Not a kick you in the dick high but it's nice and it has mad bag appeal.
Just him. His product is pretty up there as far a quality goes from my experience. Someone else just needs to be the "face" of it IMO... But I have nothing but good things to say about his gear. But I did get week 9 nanners!! ;)
Musicians aren't required to interface with people. They put on a show. It's the great divide between service and goods... You should be able to stand behind you 'GOODS' without getting all shitty. Music has and always will be subjective. Goods is significantly less subjective. He just...
That's what I've done. I ran it for about 2 minutes before I started filling then I've left them open for a couple days now. I figure I'll just leave them open until I need them.
I get these too. I'm not sure what the fuck it is. What I get most of the time is that it is calmad def... But I've added some a few times and I'm not 100% on that anymore. Mine doesn't really get bad or effect the growth of the plant it just looks funny and it's annoying.
Thanks a lot man. I'm thinking it is hard. There are quit a few companies around here that offer water softening solutions. I guess I'm back to buying water again. Shit..
Looks like I'm gonna have to put pics of my pup up when I get home. He is my road dog. I got a bike with a sidecar and I made him a harness that allows him to sit up or lay down in the sidecar but no lateral movement.... It anchors to both sides. He loves riding. It's almost time to take it...
Does anyone use tap water to water their plants? If so, how long do you let them air out before you can use them? Does that time frame change if they are in 1 gallon jugs? Would there be any concerns that I should be aware of if my house is about 50 years old (as with the water pipes)?