recently had first dmt experience..
on my own (felt this was best)
also didn't have a scale, however did have a vape
the doses were split into 200mg
split the 200 in half
then split 100 in half
that left me with roughly 50.. loaded up
definite breakthrough
taste was awful, burnt rubber and...
haha holy shit.. how much moisture are they pulling out?
are the piped out or do you have to empty them manually?
really need a picture, it helps a hell of a lot.
it depends what you mean by wrinkled? curling? up or down?
if they are simply twisting it could be micro nutrients, either...
isn't downy mildew an internal thing though? like inside the tissue
not really sure.. don't know that much about it.
would say that supchaka's wind burn might be a good call.
if it was lockout or build up would expect to see a bit of yellowing, but having another look its just brown, like...
are you using Miracle grow by any chance?
if not is it soil? coco? hydro? can't see from the pictures.
also hate to ask this.. but do you know what your ph is? haha
it's quite refreshing seeing someone doing a bit of research before diving in head first and then asking a million stupid questions like "what is a ph?"
so thank you for being an intelligent human being who hasn't angered me.
nice plant
just make sure you stay patient.. it's wil be worth the wait..
Actually you did ask dumbass.. and you didn't mention the word science fact or evidence when asking originally which is why my opinion was given.
If you don't want someone's opinion then don't come onto a public forum asking fucking ridiculous questions everyone already knows the answer to...