I pick up a bit of irish shwag there last year that had a load of beans in it so i planted a few and they didnt start to bud till late november! They were a textbook sativa, any way about five frosts ended up killing the bitch. Iv never found mature seeds in good weed tho. Any ideas whrere this...
Does he have a girl friend? If you can get in her panties do it, then say it to his face that you lashed her out of it. He will more that likely assault you so then you go press charges adn get a nice claim out of it.
P.s I have not done this before.
Yea there dinafem alright, ill be growing them in a greenhouse tho, im to scared to leave them out in the elements ya know. I had a indoor plant outdoors last year and it got raped by the mold so ill be keeping a close eye on them this year. The hollands hope on the otherhand is a warrior and...
:mrgreen: Thats some serious shit my friend! Lol Good stuff:leaf:
I have 3 hollands hope and 2 blue widow on the go at the mo, all going outdoor of course;)
There around 2 weeks old and growing very slow at the moment but since this god like weather has rolled in iv been putting them in the...
Thats what i do, start on the sill. They do be a bit slow at first but as soon as it gets warmer and theres more hours of light in the days they should start growing very quickly. You should post in the irish growers thread, theres a few of us on there that do outdoor every year.
Shure let us...
Ill join but ill be growing it outdoors wont have results till the end of the year. Might see some nice colors in the cold irish weather, Fingers crossed:mrgreen:
I would advise keeping they inside till there around 4-6 inches tall with a good few nodes, then for a few days leave them outside during the day and bring them in at night for a few days, thi swill harden them off and help thep cope with the cooler conditions.
Any of Dutch Passions outdoor strains are fairly mold resistant. I will be growing there hollands hope this year along with some Blue Widow, in ireland i might add where i am defo going to have some serious mold issues. Theres not much you can do but try differnt strains and see witch ones cope...
Ah im not to bad farmer, just put some Blue Widow and hollands hope seeds in the ground there today. Cant wait till i have a few plants again, sick of all the scag grass around.
Any news yourself?
As for the green dots, i think they are to do with how many posts you have. I could be wrong tho.
Im not shure farmer but i think street lights may mess with things depending on how far they are away. I had plants out my back that were getting a little light from the house and it did not affect them. Theres only one way to find out, go for it:weed: