dressar looks good, if you have white paint then just paint the inside white....and i dont know about that light bar dont start no fire now. ohyea im doing a similar grow look me up.
i use rock wool ( the kind that is slit on the side so you can open it and place the cutting in with root gel instead of shoving the cutting in the rockwool and having the gel pushed upward.) i use alternativegardensupply gel and rockwool. always 100%...i actually just cloned some jus now. after...
definitly, next time i clone ill make sure to cut off the bottom set.
update: clones are 5 days old. im going to start preparing the flowering room today and throw the clones in maybe 2morrow?
i just cloned my 4 plants..got about 25 clones all together. the 4 plants are kinda lolipoped now. think im gonna let my friend flower these for me and give him a 1/4 of the harvest.
sup. i cloned some today in seed starter...never cloned without rooting gel or without rockwool so well see how well this works. if all these root i will 12/12 them to see what sex each plant is.
wow some 4 dollar rockwool, 5 dollar cloning gel and 7 dollar humidity dome would have gave you 100 percent success rate...keep shit simple man. cut at a 45 degree angle, dip in rooting gel, place in rockwool...keep the veg lights dim...mist clones keep 90-100 percent humidity...simple
it depends how old she is...if shes in her 50s shes still pretty bright and prob can smell your grow....if shes in her 70s then maybe u can trick her. anyways your grow seems pretty sketchy..atleast have a fan blowing out the window.
well buy nirvana seeds from single seed centre there cheap...also make sure you have some kind of odor control cuz one plant will smell...if i were you since your living in your parents home i would 12 /12 from seed to keep the plant small and save you some kind of money on buyin veg bulbs
also heres a pic of them when they were babies to now. the one in the back right in the first pic was a runt...in the newer pic hes the one on the far left..crazy huh.
sup guys, updating with some pics, there about 25 days from sprout. i also made my own reflector out of a 24 oz can for my 70 watter. im planning to get a 150 so this one will be temporary. im planning to clone and do a sog grow from 3" or 4" rockwool.