if you were a real engineer or designer you wouldnt be so interested in something so simple as a grow room. Go do something "real" as you say, like designing an electric car, or modern contemporary modular homes. "Grow rooms"...you make me sick.
you can rent to own, but thats a rip off. Best thing to do is try to repair your credit, it will take awhile but eventually you will have descent credit enough to get a loan for a small descent house. Credit is the most important thing you need when your young, weather you want to start a...
some background on my OG friend, hes 55 and im 22. So if the cops did talk to him they probably thought i had no connection to him. Also ive known this guy for 6 years, i "shared" bud with him since i was 16. Also i recall him telling me a few times he knew the cops that work for our town. Im...
i dont know i guess one of her friends that dont like her decided to do a sicc prank call. she also has a problem with her ex thats arab, him and his family was brain washing my sister telling her to change her religion and she was buying into it. So when i heard about my sister getting shot i...
Scary shit went down just now. I was at home chillin, my sister and her 2 friends came home and went to the basement. I left to go get some food then 15 minutes after leaving the crib i get a call from my dad asking wheres my sister and saying that somebody told him they were going to shoot my...
i was thinking about starting my own brewing company but thought that wouldnt be good since im a recovery alcoholic. You probably would love the hydroponic shop i go to "brew and grow" its half grow / half brew store.
my girl seems to like playing with snakes.....trouser snakes.... Also one time in lousiana a big ass snake crawled out of a sewer into the street and my dad took is signature knife he always has with him and chopped it in half...and it was still alive so we beat it with a stick...and it was...
not sure what kind of dog your looking for. but my dog is an ori-pei. sharpei/ pug mix. Has lots of energy. Hes the brown one.
u might be able to find a older WRX STI for 10k on craigslist somewhere, heres one on ebay. Me personally its not my type of car, but for your situation its prob the best fit...
no such thing as time you baboon. time is not real, its the "present" 100% of the time. Heres an experiment
remember what i tell you right now " Right now is the present" - do you agree with this statement? if so wait 10 seconds and read the next line