I have a humbolt Enail it recently quit working on me so I ordered a new temp controller. Well my problem is I took the dam thing apart and don't remeber how the wires go. So I am looking for anyone that has 1 or can help me hook the temp controller back up. I have the xmt-7100 temp controller...
I have a humbolt Enail it recently quit working on me so I ordered a new temp controller. Well my problem is I took the dam thing apart and don't remeber how the wires go. So I am looking for anyone that has 1 or can help me hook the temp controller back up. I have the xmt-7100 temp controller...
I have a humbolt Enail it recently quit working on me so I ordered a new temp controller. Well my problem is I took the dam thing apart and don't remeber how the wires go. So I am looking for anyone that has 1 or can help me hook the temp controller back up. I have the xmt-7100 temp controller...
Ok cmon guys I was dabbed up and figured I'd try 1 wire at a time. Next thing you know phone rings I start talking and I take off the whole side of wires lol man this sucks I have everything I need to use my nail again and can't hook it togather lol someone on here has to have 1
I have a humbolt Enail it recently quit working on me so I ordered a new temp controller. Well my problem is I took the dam thing apart and don't remeber how the wires go. So I am looking for anyone that has 1 or can help me hook the temp controller back up. I have the xmt-7100 temp controller...
I have a humbolt Enail it recently quit working on me so I ordered a new temp controller. Well my problem is I took the dam thing apart and don't remeber how the wires go. So I am looking for anyone that has 1 or can help me hook the temp controller back up. I have the xmt-7100 temp controller...
Well I think fucking customs struck again! My order has been in Chicago since 3-4 and still nothing I've made a few orders and they always get here in 12-14 days. So if this 1 gets snagged I'm gonna be pissed. Do you guys thinks customs red flags names and addresses so you can't get another...
Any updates guys? I'm starting to get a little worried my package has been sitting in Chicago since 3-4-13 at 750am still no movement I hope I don't get it snagged twice ill be so pissed!
Same here fellas mine shipped out if Chicago today so we will see. I really don't think we all got that unlucky. I'm thinking we should be good I'm in ohio so I'm thinking Monday they'll be here ill update when the package comes hopefully its not just a tshirt!
Well I might be with you MIdude my seeds checked in on Sunday too and still haven't recieved a package or a update on the tracking. Fuck Chicago isc lol.
Please update have the beans arrived?? I am in the same boat. I ordered on feb.2nd they were checked into Chicago isc on the 10th and still no update and no package. Just wondering if Chicago is running extra behind. I have made several orders and gotten all them within 2 weeks. This is the...