For those unsure about D3 I again recommend Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. I've also been playing it on PS3 lately and it's not bad. Reminds me a lot of the Diablo series but it's more free world. The only issue there is it's a single player game. Maybe check out the free demo on the playstation...
I picked it up but haven't had a chance to open yet.
I also picked up Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning for PS3. I mention it because it reminds me A LOT of Diablo crossed with many of the big mmo's like WoW, Aion, Rift. If you're interested in single player free world games that you can play...
Go with a 600 and an adjustable reflector. It's not that much more.
Then when you go bigger you can get a 400 to run a MH off of to broaden your spectrum.
So long as the fem seeds are produced correctly they WON'T be any more likely to herm than non feminized genetics.
It's when breeders end up with a crop pollenated by a herm and use those seeds for freebies and promotional giveaways, or even for sale, that an issue arises. It's ignorant to bash...
Something similar to these
But those are really expensive. I just grabbed that link off google as an example. You can very easily make one of your own. Just shop around for parts. It's essentially a fan in a housing with...
Those hand crank trimmers are junk and beat the hell out of your crystals.
If you have a really huge grow then use something like the fan setup. Otherwise you should just get electric scissors to help speed it up and just put the extra hours in.
I didn't really get the impression that Rumple was being one sided. He seemed open enough to the idea... If I had a simpler method that would work on a larger scale then I'm sure we would see him trying it out.
I'll be reviewing my process and seeing if I can make it a little easier for larger...
When I wanna smoke buds early I just trim em and set them on my PS3 which runs 24/7. Usually dry enough to smoke in a few days but the taste always reminds me of port-a-potties.
Didn't read through much of this but I'll add that plants in less soil will need to be watered/fed more frequently.
I grow Thai strains a lot which have 14+ week flower times. With a 1 month veg I've been able to grow these strains out fine in under 2 gallons of soil from start to finish with...
Simply soaking the mold won't remove everything. You may kill the mold but dead spores and toxins left behind can still be harmful. Especially especially especially to someone who may be allergic to certain molds. You really will need to clip away anything you think touched mold too.
If you...
Part of the process and a painful part. After the first couple days in jars the buds usually become a ridiculously sticky mess so they can be painful to work with.
I cleaned up a few jars last night.
Agreed that my process is a lot of work.. Right now it may not be worth it because I can't...
Yea I'm not doubting your ability to produce tasty bid with that method. I won't be the guy trying to claim that flushing and quick drying won't work at all.
It's hard to give an exact method as I don't have one yet.
Best advice I can give is to find a way to keep your buds alive and moist...
I've seen your diy threads and have always thought you were a smart guy.
Yes it was a legitimate question. It wasn't at all intended as an insult... I can just be a little straight forward and abrasive at times, but I mean well.
Your curing method dries the buds out way way way too quick...