How long were you incarcerated for? Year and a Half in Juvie
What was the best thing you took from the experience? Family is most important
What's the best advice you could give going into it? Set up. Quick
Got some left over bojangles fried chicken. Smoked some purp. Got tha munchies. Putin them in the over on high broil wit tin foil. How would you do it?
ok christmas is a couple days away. im dead broke. Dont get paid until the first. Have alot of christmas presents to get for friends family and girl friend. I need money fast. What can i do. Im dead broke so i cant go buy bud and sell it for more
Ok people. You guys need to lay off on the complaining about me not doing research. I am 18 and i live by myself working 2 jobs and going to school just to pay rent. So i dont really have time to do research all day long. And i thank stimpy for backing me up because he gets what im doing and...