yeah that is why my first comment was in the direction of tolerance, i suggested flushing of the system, and checking pH is very important, every grower knows this. and what you stick in your orifices is your business.
It is just another brand of nutriments, it would be nice to just come together as a whole, stop the corporatism and put out a solid product that is beatifically positive in all ways to the plant that we all enjoy and appreciate. no more chemicals and unnatural additives.
I have yet to acid trip, friends have offered but i feel as though i am still coming to terms with myself and understanding my capabilities, some may rush experiences and many are had prematurely (IMO) we all develop in our own time and discovering the answers to our journey can sometimes be a...
Yeah, i couldn't agree more, society has been molded to think in such ways, when you converse upon these subjects in public is it considered 'taboo', although curious we naturally are, we should enlighten rather then scoff when another is unfamiliar, share knowledge therefore creating new...
Society is homophobic, if you don't enjoy some activity why would you feel the need to act violent ? your sexual security is not in question, paint the same picture w/o yourself in it, are you uncomfortable, if so why.
Petitions are just like making lists of those that should be interrogated. go against what the system deems inexcusable and the fight will come to your front door. i think that if you want something badly enough you rally the masses in a visual demonstration.