nomanisf i just tried sacramento craigslist again in farm and garden and in auto parts you can not post without a account,i tried 2 get a account and again they wanted my phone number 2 tex me or call me, i gave it 2 them 4 the forth time and again they havent called or texed, mabee craigslist...
i just tried 2 post on sacramento craigslist and sfc craigslist in auto parts and i had 2 give my email addrress and phone number and pick between a tex or a phone call 2 confirm my account and that was 2day, ive used craigslist 4 years and it was easy as fuck they must of just changed there...
first this is not a scam and im not scamable, im just tring 2 trade 2 very nice items that im not using anymore, i have a green air products cd36 propane co2 generator and a green air products lt8-240 8 1000w high load timer, the cd36 is the biggest co2 generator green air makes it will fill a...
man i keep having problems with seedlings, im new 2 seeds i got about 42 seedlings going there about 2-4 weeks old my best looking seedling just popped hella pistols, i would be happy if it were just a couple but theres about 20 on a 8 inch lil plant, i turn the light on by hand (no timer) and i...
niacin does not work!!!!!!! somebody told me that bullshit 2 and i got a dirty, when i took it i got big ass ichy red spots and hot flashes, i drank hella water and pissed alot and i was still dirty i had 2 do a fuckn drug program on parole, check this out go 2 gnc spend 60.00 and buy there...
yes sir i have more than once, i had warrents i didnt want 2 drive 2 AZ/WA, me and my chick hopped on a gray hound and did it moving, 17 hours 2 wash 14 to AZ, ill never do it again tho i got my warrents cleared, the main problem is theres hella stops it would be easy if it was straight threw
i just had a problem like that 2 i couldent figure out why my babys looked sick everything seemed perfect BUT my ph pencil need 2 be recalberated (sorry my spelling sucks) so my ph was off even tho it read on, i took it 2 the hydro store and they reset it, within a day all my babys bounced back...
alright i found herijuana seeds at sannies seeds, i will be ordering in a few days, im going 2 start from seed indoors and hope 4 a female/mother, im only growing my limit so i think a 10 first gen herijuana clones and 10 first gen purple wreck clones will work great, im going 2 start the clones...
i live in california they shiped 2 me with in 8 days, i was just on there site 2night they have a american flag that means they ship 2 the us, trust me the doc is the shit
yea im going 2 start them indoor about a month before, i want major root growth before i put them outside, im worried about my nutes i use dutch master gold for indoor i like it alot and i want 2 use it outdoor 2 BUT i cant use it with any other nutes/fertilizers any idea on a soil or medium...