ah lsd i just giggled my arse off on that shit :) an its all in the mind but a positive enviroment helps an happy ppl also helps avoid sketchy shit as it could send you the wrong way :)
peace :bigjoint:
haha yer man def if only you could sample her delights wen shes done i aint been to have alook at her yet today an i still dont know wot the little shoot is its still really small :bigjoint:
i hope it becomes legal soon an while the government need the cash they could make cannabis legal an all cafes should be government run theyfore all profits go to them, an with weed legal the police could spend more time lookin for harder substances an not waste time an money bustin ppl for...
haha cool man im just doin a bit of research an would indeed like some of your knowledge :bigjoint: an i know wot is like my other half also doesnt want me growing either i've managed to persuade her once lol hope i can do it again, good luck with the move :)
alright man im well up 4 makin my own led set up just wonderin were you've been gettin everythin from? ive been lookin online an cant find any 3w leds anywere any pointers man would be much appreciated thanks man :)