if you want to try something legal try salvia x 30 one pipe hit will fuck your head up lol its mental shit my mate thought he was melting into the sofa lol but about that K2 shit ive just googled it and ive heard of spice which is the same thing and its shit does nothin i smoked 2 fat spliffs...
thanks fellas
well i've still got 2 of these seeds left but i also got 2 free seeds 1 warlock and 1 motivation so i'll be using them up might try the warlock next as i've been following LAX thread and hes been growing it it looks pretty sweet
fuck man those 2Ci's are fuckin odd man mess with your mind lol and yer i know what you mean thats why i say its not worth the money cuz you just want more all the time lol
make hash oil chop them dry them and put the m in a tube (pvc,strengthened Glass etc) put a coffee fillter one end and a small hole in the other big enough for the end of a butane can, and a prex dish and all you do is fill the tube with your weed the put the lid back on and fill with butane put...
its not worth the money at all ive had strong stuff and shit stuff but it doesnt do a lot just lets you drink shit loads of booze and a bit more confident which i dont need :P but then each to their own im just a a true stoner i love the herb i dont care for other drugs lsd is good tho lol an...
iv looked into in myself to see how its done you need coca leaves, gasoline and hydrochloric acid. but its takes three years before a coca tree can be harvested but to make a large amount you'd need loads of plants. but its made by crushing up the leaves putting them it to a barrel and pouring...
ive worn them for years man ive only have one problem with them irritating my eyes was when my optician change the lenses i used they were a different type and they just fucked up my eyes i told them and they changed to other and they were fine again. about takin them out its all about the...
ive got my grow in the attic they'll be fine up there just try keeping your temps between 20C-30C (70F-80F) an you'll be fine but i know ppl whos rooms are 100F an their plants are fine good luck mate
yer transplant them man they'll be fine have you got a fan on them? cuz if you dont the stem wont strengthen up an your plants will start floppin good luck mate
option 3 man i had my gf parents over for the weekend i had to move my plant i made a temp set up for 3 days then when they left i set it all back up good luck mate
i was just about to say the same thing you can get some hash oil out of it or canna butter but its useless for smoking it unlucky man better look next time :bigjoint: