Checked the trics tonight and there is a little more amber. The OCD has about 20% amber with about 25% of the hairs turning. The PK is about the same , but all hairs are brown( but they have been since I burned them with the greencure), the mango and papaya have about 20% amber.
I dropped the...
Ya man, the OCD seems to do the trick. It is a munchie weed though, I am thinking of harvesting this weekend. Given the pm episode and all I don't really want to wait for it to come back. The trichs are mostly milky with a little amber. Not the ideal time, but I might have to do it anyway...
Well good for you man, I am proud of you. Addiction is a nasty desease and it takes a lot of courage to hit it head on. The key is eliminating those people that don't respect what your doing from your life. I think this was the hardest thing for my mom. She was a wonderful person, but died at...
Jig, my brotha, you do what gives you peace man. I don't consider marijuana a chemically addictive drug, but it is a gateway for some. I grew up with alcholism and drug addiction in my home as a kid, so I have a great understanding of addictions. I went the other way myself and didn't try any...
That works, where did you find the mixer and does attach to a hose. I have seen them for miracle grow or something at home depot, is that the kind you are using? I have been seeing moths here and there, so I was thinking of starting the BT soon to try and stay ahead of them. I was aslo...
Really, I thought for sure yo would probabl use something to apply foliar treatments. So you hand spray all your plants huh? Here I am whining about 5 plants. I am mostly concerned about the catepilars in a month or so. I plan on starting with BT soon and was thinking about hitting them with...
That really gives some perspective. now you got me wishing I would have thrown a couple of the beautiful clones, I just gave away, outside. I thought it was too late to really do anything. duhh That pk will do her grandmother proud. :)
I mentioned it in the other thread, but I do appreciate the input. You bring up a good point, because I was thinning them out every couple weeks and then I read in some of these outdoor journals that is better to let the plant grow it's course. It is killing me not to be thinning them out...
I appreciate the encouragement. I am excited about the outdoor, just not sure what to expect. speaking of attentions, I have been looking at atomizers or foggers. I figure I could use it indoor the rest of the year. For now though, I need to find a better way to foliar feed/treat. I have a...
Ok either I am just too high or the site keeps dropping my post after I type for 15 mintues. So I will just say I smoked that some of that ocd branch that broke a 4 days ago. It is actually pretty stoney and has that kronic deisel smell. Not bad for premature bud, I think I am high. lol
Damn man, those ladies have really filled out. They really have bushed out a lot since your last pic post. You my friend are gonna have some work at harvest time for sure.
Nice, a Raiderfan in colorado. I love it! Ya I am betting on a 500 season. That shouldn't be too much to expect now should it? LOL I agree we made some big improvements to an already strong defense. Last year we were like the Redskins D, on the feild the entire game and got behind in...
Don't say that man, just don't say it. lol No seriously, every time I say something negative or get too over confident that things are going smooth, I have issues. I am throwing lots of good vibes your plants way. I am sure they will be fine though man. They are so healthy that they could handle...