Breaking Bad is awesome, yet to watch the latest one... gunna skin up a fatty and do it now. I thought last weeks was totally fucking awesome, the way the chicken man turned things round on that gang was totally nuts!
Not necessarily, go easy on the nutes... stop altogether for the last 2-3 weeks. You may not even need to bother with nutes at all, itll make flushing difficult but if its only slow release nutes you shouldnt even be able to notice it.
My local hydro store does a root enhancer, does pretty much the same as formulex, only difference is you cant use it afterwards as a vegging nutrient. Im sure that product (dont remember its name but it smells BAD) is commonly available.
Hey there, hows it going? Saw your friend request and looked through some of your posts... alot about Law, have you heard of lawful rebellion? and becoming a freeman? Watched a load of video lectures on it a while back, ill try and find a link if i can remember the guys name (kinda baked), have...
Ummm, No. Essentially the seeds you find will contain the same genetics as the original plant(s). As long as the seed was given time to develop fully, then youll have no problems growing on those seeds.
Your not the only people to like owls... have you ever heard of Bohemia Grove?
George Bush admits to worshiping an owl, look it up (youtube will probs do)
As a reference to there being no dishonour in taking foodstamps, watch 'hell yeah' by Dead Prez, best off youtubing it probs.
Was gunna write the lyrics out here but im too stoned to remember them so that they make sense lol.
Weve got 'VAT applicable items' here in the UK... 'essential' foods are exempt from sales tax... this includes bread, milk etc etc... huge debate about cakes and biscuits, cant remember which but one is subject to VAT and one isnt. All sorts of companies go out of their way to proove that their...