Don't we miss good cartoons that taught good lessons? :-P Gonna buy my daughter the seasons of Duck Tales- very libertarian now as I re watch it..
Oh Vi.. I think you are being reserved with your 6 cents less estimate in the past few months.. I've watched egg prices alone rise from 99 cents to...
LOL.. but if we were to have a "national catastrophe" economic, manmade, or natural.. would he call martial law and postpone the election.. eck- that's my only worry. Esp. since Congress isn't allowed to review it for 6 months.. lol
Tell me about it Vi.. I hate the thought of what we're passing on to the next generation.. my 2yr old daughter and the little one in my womb both have over 30 grand in debt each (so far), and they can't even work yet..
It's funny though, my daughter only thinks coins are money- I've showed her...
Causing inflation and possible hyper inflation down the road because of the massive bailouts, and massive amount of just printing money out of thin air IS NOT going to help- so yea a bailout may prop up the falling building for a little bit, and everyone gets to keep there retirement savings-...
Those pieces of shyt! the Fed is pumping money into the global economy no matter what we say.. surprise surprise.. Our dollar value is going to keep skidding down hill at this rate of just printing fiat money..
Fed Pumps Further $630 Billion Into Financial System (Update3) Worldwide
Yea.. sure, inflation and making everyone's dollar worth less is going to fix this? LOL.. please..:roll: it will only delay the problem and make it worse
Bad business decisions cause problems, yes, people will lose money, yes- but propping up bad business decisions by just printing more money...
Only reason I said small is because they're getting ready as quickly as possible to ram another version of the bailout through.. it's not over yet.. but a surprising success!! You better believe after all the calls the Congressmen have gotten they are scared to vote for it.. :fire: They should...
Boy that was close.. and Pelosi going onto the floor to switch votes over- PATHETIC. The news is all one sided now blaming people for why it didn't pass.. they're going to try to pass this again for sure..
I am celebrating our small victory here though- hold stead, this isn't over.
Back to...
I'm gonna try to find a source article for this.. but I've been told the vote just passed a bit ago on CSPAN.. f*cking great- they won't even need 2/3rds to pass this bailout- just a majority.. FUCK FUCK FUCK..
All the research shows it's better for babies.. LOL.. but yes there is a huge movement to make people aware of this..
Breast milk goes for big bucks here in the states for premies and women who for whatever reason can't breastfeed their own baby, there is a HUGE demand and nearly zero supply...
Okk, this is a bit ridiculous.. how about we make a movement to get all babies on breastmilk and off the formula crap before we run around wasting it for ice cream..