OMFG BRO!! Private message me the story if you wish to divulge... I'm so sorry man, can't believe you got raided :( I'm waiting for clones atm and about to start a new grow. Yes America is poorly justified. Canada is so much more leniant. Hope you find a way to cope with this double serving of...
Thumbz....wasup dawg. Been layin low as fuk thought Id say HIGH. I got things on the go! Gonna start a new journal in the near future (near) Anyways hope shits on lock for you man. I made some nice coin off my og, peeps sayin its AAA quality, not bad for first grow, top dollar prices. You keep...
what in gods name are you doing to that poor little plant man you may have some reading to do if you intend on actually harvesting any pot to smoke. I dont get your entire post... what?? whatever is happening at the top it's called flowering and yes it makes little "hairs" and leaves bunch up...
So you have just stopped nute feedings? If they haven't had at least 3-4 big water flushes where the water runs out the bottom and at least 7-8 days with no nutes your going to wanna go with this stuff... it's around 10 bux and my pot is so...
Hahaha YES! Those look sweeet man. They filled out quite nicely and are looking mature or close to. Can you throw up a pic closeup of the bud? I just wanna see the hairs and trichs. What is your hopefully estimated crop? I have some good drying curing info for you if youd like, I just went...
ya budz! Imagine all that hard work and babysitting to have it go moldy at the end! Not happening man. Keep an eye on it ( nose on it ) every few hours and you'll be fine. Any ANY bit of wierd smell or visible mold issue it's outta the jars and back to drying, maybe removing any bad parts that...
Nice try though it's 72.4 ounces so I got over four pounds dry off of my 4000 watt staggered MH/HPS setup. It looks smaller than that though due to the buds being EXTREMELY dense and that's not all of it. One little finger long bud weighs an 1/8th. That table is huge and that's a regular sized...
Here's a shot of my harvest after drying for 5 days. Immediately after this it went into a curing phase. It's still got aways to go before it smoothens right out and smells super nice.
yeah it had a bit of a pungent rotted grassy smell to it. After curing for 7 days the smell starts fading I found. I had high temps throughout my first grow too man, soon to be a thing of the past now that I know whats neccessary. Keep letting your jars breathe 3 times a day and you will be good...
yes good sir it will kill beneficial bacteria and promote root health, which is a key factor in size and flower mass. If you want to maximize your veg growth I recommend using a foliar spray ( no N-P-K value ) called liquid light. What it does is open up parts of the plant that collects light...
Obviously I didnt fully read your post haha. Yeah use it through your sytem for the recommended time and then just go back to your feeding schedule. Should have no problems. BTW I use hygrozyme on every watering anyway, flush or not, gotta keep the roots healthy.
There is a product out there made by a few different companies with names like clearex, final flush, etc. Use one of these products as per the instructions on the bottle and you should be fine. It is developed to flush the system in this exact type of scenario, you'll be fine. I payed 12 dollars...
Okay let's save this beauty. It is not a nutrient issue as these are always shown by leaf damage like brown tips of leaves and spots/drying of leaves. Your plant is definitely just under or over watered, should be an easy save. You have to check the soil with your fingers and see how moist it is...
okayyyy time has told ;) the stuff that has been curing for 5-6 days now has gone from harsh and bitter grassy tasting to smooth on the throat and sweet/skunky flavor. All I did was dry for 4 days in darkness at 80-85 F (both batches) and cure in large ziplock bags, air exchanging the bags 3...
Dude get those plants that are in those small pot into BIGGER POTS. The roots have no room to grow in those tiny pots mang. Very important to do this ASAP and then when they recover your going to see alot more horizontal growth and bushiness. Other than that, looking AWESOME healthy and vibrant...
from a hydroponic store. Mine was 20 bux with tax. It's called a pocket microscope and it's a 30x unit. It takes some time getting used to it and learning how to focus and steady it but after you master this tool you can get a really good look at your trichs. Radioshack sells something like this...
I chopped on day 63 ( monday ) without the dark period, maybe next time. All is trimmed and drying nicely. It's too bad you gotta wait at least 10 days of just curing after drying to get that smoothness and flavor sought after. Damn it's not too bad in the bong but I rolled a joint of some stuff...
I would say you just got yourself a nice half ounce or a lil more. Good job man. What do you have in line for next grow? as in wattage or anything in particular...
The deed is done... all the plants have been cut down and the room is torn out, equipment packed up and taken away to a safehouse and the pot is ready to be manufactured somewhere else. Sure fucking feels good :) Grow # 1 = SUCCESSFUL MISSION
I go mushroom picking deep in the woods and mountains. Sometimes I carry my 12 gauge all fricken day long and sometimes I dont bother with it. I see bears with and without my gun but they never ever come very close and dont seem interested. There is alot of cougars where I am also, I have...