I dunno how u do it relax, I couldn't ly about stoned all week doin nothing, feels like a waste, need to be working. I could probly do it if I had an unlimited cash fund, but then I wouldn't wanna cos if be living it up, each to ther own m8. Doesn't she give u a hard time for it? In German too...
Hydros a piece of piss, cleaner, less work, better yeild, your right for once yorkie! ........only joking!
Yous will all be following suite shortly once yous grow the balls, yorkie has, what's keepin the rest of ye's lol
That is all, back to work
@ghetto, last run I did I had a bad dose of thrips. Once I chopped and cleaned everything I put one of them no pest strips in the room with the 2 tents, not in the tents, it's been there about 3 months now and I've had no probs at all, with the plants or with mesel. Probly shouldn't stand and...
Well there was a big flat mushroom there too that got the heave ho....yous need to learn about soda bread, Potatoe bread and fried pancakes down here m8....it's a belly buster we get up home, 4 of everything for 7 quid in one cafe I know
Just after what they call a large fry in the south here, sausage, bacon, egg, black and white pud and toast.....half a fry if u ask me, no beans, soda, Potatoe bread, not even a fuckin hash brown for fuckin €10.70 lol
Goina have prob a 3-4 week break too ffs, depending how well these fuckers are vegging when I get back. Be at least 3 anyway by the time I've the clones ready.....bollox
Alright lads, can wait to get home tomoro, only downside is I've to trim most of the weekend. Prob get 3 done Friday night then the other 6 will take about 9-10 hours on Saturday and that leaves Sunday for cleaning the system and everything thing else and get rid of rubbish....u think u got it...
Anyone tried them UPS pills? Had a look the other day and there seemed to be loadsa them, thems what I was thinking of getting but might have a look at the red bugattis instead. Ain't got no fuckin wifi where I'm stayin so can't get on till weekend ffs