I been using em for a while... IMO the small 3 litre ones are fucking great for vegging while I train em, they start getting root bound around 2 months in it so I used to pot up to 10 litres ones.
Thats what I'm changing, they are a PITA to water mate, dry out really quick and become just...
Hate dentists me, the physical pain I can deal with, the pain to the wallet, I cant.
I need some implants done, fuck me, the price he quoted me! Outrageous! 1500 a tooth!
Have you looked into mainlining/bonsai? If your short for space its a better method.
Here is a blue widow I have been working on for a while and soon to be flowered.
And here are some bigger girls in flower.
It will allow you to veg it to build a good root system before flowering.
Yeah got my new fender stratocaster waiting for me when I get home.
Surfing the web at stupid o'clock, stoned off ones nut, can be very dangerous when Paypal is involved though! Many times I come back from work and think "Oh no, what the fuck have I ordered" Its always Christmas for me lol :)
That's the issue I have with ALL shopping, all the fucking mongs who cant walk in a straight line, barge into you, pisses me off no end. And dont start me on the queues.