TLDR but putting a cherry bomb on your import is nothing new I know I remember seeing it done for 15+ years or so now.
..... and still desperately want to drive a Reliant Robin
Apex hard or go home with that that mothersucker
another chance to make a ass of myself on the internet lol :D
edit:also just realized Ive been on RIU for 4 years... good god its flown by
It depends on the person. My Qrazy Train knocks my patients out but its my day time smoke. However My Black Cherry Soda dom cut of Plush Berry knocks my ass out if I let it. A few days after my last harvest I tried it out and I immediately passed out on the couch for 2 hours. Its almost like if...
Iggy hates canoes.
Showin my age here but I remember watching this episode and my mom recognizing Iggy and explaining him to me. Early 90s Kids shows were awesome there were jokes for kids and jokes for adults. Its probably the internet's fault...