The Arjans Haze 1 and the Purps are going in the ground, and the Kings Kush is going in huge pots.
They claim that Arjans Haze can easly reach 13ft when grown with out root limitations. Not going for image, im gonna tie the plant to the ground and make it as flat as possible. I just...
When should you transplant from seed? could you just put a week old seedling in a huge pot and get the best results? i ask because i read transplanting from a month old gives the plant a better root system.
I'm using jiffy pellets too. 5 kings kush, and 5 Arians haze 1, I just planted them in the jiffy pellet after a sucessful germ. Do i need a heat pad? my soil seems cold. what else can i use? the sun?
I let my seedlings flower outside, killed the males, put them under 24 hr light and reverted them back to the veg state. Once they were a foot tall i brought them back outdoors transplanted them in to big pots and they just went nuts in growth. but you gotta put them in a shaddy area after the...