dude your buds looking mature enough to get you high. that mexican swag gets people high and look at those buds in comparison...you must have slipped up somewhere man because it dosent make sense
ok so heres the plan i came up with for nuts. im going to add molasses to my water and let some potatoe peels and cucmber peels sit in the water for a couple days to get the nutes out. is this a good idea???
ok i dont get paid in two weeks and im dead broke. my plants are in need of some food big time. a month old and my cola is looking very small. only like 6 hairs. i need to give my plant some food. what can i use that has little to no cost that will be helpful to my plants. i am just now adding...
it just tastes so much cleaner. like theres nothing there but pot smoke. no hidden taste like you get from metal wood cermaic etc. you get to taste all tha goodness of your buds:)
I used to have a couple metal bowls. they get way to hot way to quick. but the good thing about them is that they always fill up with resin so fast. and whats up with people sayin resin dosent get you high??? When im fresh outta bud and need a buz i scrape out that sticky black gold from my...
YES I LOVE SMOKING OUT OF A GLASS ON GLASS BONG!!! Thats always my number one pick. sorry i was a little stoned when i made this thread. i wasnt thinking of bongs lol. my glass on glass bong just broke:( so all im smokin is blunts now