again ill say that i have gone everywhere and found everyone possible that isnt a stranger, to hot in my area to go to people i dont know and look. already went through all friends their friends and theirs, everyone has the same high prices, so quit talkin shit over the internet dude no reason...
IM NOT ASKING FOR HOOKUPS lol read all of these posts, where did i say can someone on this site meet me and sell me some herb, never lol i dont want to buy from anyone here tht would b crazy risky, jus lookin for ideas to find connects
the point of this thread is to get some ideas of how i can get some more connects, not ones on here, anyone with a brain wouldnt go through people over the internet. jus stop tryn to bash me dude i did nothing to u
jesus do i really have to this everytime u bring up some more bull lol here is what I have said in this thread
so yea dude jus leave me alone, u started with me so jus drop it im jus tryn to get some assistance in this situation
that thread started almost a year ago, and i wasnt looking for anyone on this site to hook me up read what i posted, "Advice to find connects". dont b slow
also thats just high ideas with the 800 lbs my friend, give it a rest
i recently quit smoking due to no lung capacity. its been months so im over the cravings but i find myself very very bored and miss that pleasure of enjoying a cig every now and then. is there anyway to smoke cigarettes and have healty lungs?
trust me man im usin this site as a last resort, ive gone through everyone, way to many connects, all goody good is over priced thats my problem, i can find anything just not dank at a reasonable price
wow jus posted a thread on NC/SC lol man is it just my areas or are your guyses high grade wayy over priced, i cant find decent prices for ozs at all:(:(:(
really what im lookin for here is people to give me some advice on how to jus find a connect, every one ive ever had jus fell into place, no asking basically smoked wit dude then bought or sold some shit,
thats basically exactlly what im lookin for, but im not goin around my area talkin bout lookin for tha stank, ill get arrested real quick or robbed real quick
no just tryn to not pay out the ass when im buying quanity, everyone one here talks about gettin ozs of dank for 250-350, i kno all i have to do is find a local grower but no one is jus gonna tell me there a grower lol and neither am i