most of my strains are hybrids so I'm thinking just getting the HYBRID powder and see how it goes...... but
theres so many choices........ whos using Guano? I tried Maria Green Guano and the plants LOVED it........ I can't decide....... help!
eeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuuuu wherz the knuckle now? did the doctors find it? or did u leave it between the dudes eyes?.................. errrr............ LOL
White Lemon, Queso, Cheese Candy, Blueberry, Original Amnesia, Caramelo, Critical Jack, Fruity Chronic Juice & Citrus!
Welcome To My lovely Outdoor-Grow-Room in sunny Spain. Cannabis is everywhere in these spanish mountains. There is a Major Growing Passion happening, everyone has grown outdoor...
I thought World War Z
had the BEST zombies everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
they get so boring when they r all slow and stumbly!
but fast is freakyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
the movie wasn't as bad as I expected it to be...........
and 10 points! for those Zombies!
hahahaha Look at em all go!
Happy Happy Happy New Year! :) May Your 2014 Harvests be Bountiful!
I am off to a Spanish River Bed.......... where there will be Ravers n Munters!
and I shall Rave IT Rave IT Rave IT
and take loads of prerolled spliffs with me! and smoke an chuff an get everyone high!
then I may crawl back...
I must say... I didn't actually notice any difference between the plants I gave it
to and the ones I didn't..... BUT it smells lovely and I will test it again in my 2014 grow!!!
Hola! lahadaextranjera!
me gustaria.... me ennnncantaria tener hydro....
pero por estas montañas no hay tanta electricidad!
bueno para mi - nada de electricidad!
vengo a casa de mi madre y ella tiene solar!
wow Jamaican Dream y Blue Rhino! k bueno lo k elijes!
para mi Grow 2014
Y resultado!
Mi resultado de cosecha 2013!!! :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>6 kilillos de marihuana!
Can't Wait For Next GROW!
Y Vosotros?
Como han salido las matas?
shit shit shit!
ma roof just blew off
bloody wind
just blew ma roof rubber rite off!
and my bf warned me
and I didnt listen
its really heavy
I gotta get it back up soon b4 it rains
............... wotta shitty boxing day present!
but I called FRIENDS
and they are on their way to help me out!
Results! My Outdoor 2013 Grow!
6 Kilos of Glorious Ganja thaz about 13lbs! (and thats just my first outdoor grow)
and .............
MY X-Factor Ganja Winner:
(lavenderxlavender) from Delicious Seeds
highest yielding, most gorgeous to look at, and the MOST talked about and asked...