Quick update.
She seems to be loving the Nutes and growing quick!!
The Purple Wreck looks like its almost through the top of the cube, I can see a lil white stem about to pop out! Still no signs of life from the White Widow though.
Here's a pic of the Auto AK....
Thank you! Ill be sure to let everyone know when the time comes.
So last night I decided I wanted to pop some more beans! So soaked my rockwool about 5-6 hrs at about 5.5 PH and put them beans in! I figure they can go in with my Auto cuz when its time for 12/12 on these new ones my auto...
Hey seen you posted about Menage a Trois aka DreamGoddess. I won 30 of them but can't find anything on them past 2008. Got any up to date info on this strain or links?
Collections getting bigger!! 6 Feminized Serious Seeds AK47! I'm one lucky SOB!
Also won 2 Green House Seeds NL Auto!
Also won a 5 pack of Green House Seeds Rasta mix, 2 AMS, 2 The Church & 1 Big Bang!
She got her 1st dose of nutes today! I used 1.25ML Flora Micro & 2.50ML Flora Bloom per gallon. Threw in 0.25ML of Snow Storm Ultra to see what happens. Here's a pic guys! Thanx for stopping by!!
I found out that I won 30 Menage a Trois AKA Dream Goddess Regular seeds today! I'm a lucky SOB!!
Info I find on the strain is all from 2008 or older, anyone heard of this strain before?
I won some great stuff on twitter and facebook yesterday! Seems like ever yone was doing some awesome comps & contests! I won a high end tote bag with a blue glass gripper for my bong. Also some Couchlock 2oz bottles of stuff you drink before you smoke and intensifies the high. A Madd glass...
Happy 420 RIU!!! Anyone know what that lady bug looking bug is? Or if its bad for my plant?
Got some nice growth in the last 3 days! Ill post a pic soon!
She looking ok to you guys? Gonna start her nutes next watering. She was 2 weeks old on 4/20 ya!
I found this lil guy on my plant like 10 mins ago. Anyone know what it is or if he's harmful to my plant? Didn't see any others, but I do live in an area with a lot of trees so ants get in my house all the time and others as well. No roachs or anything like that I'm a clean person just old house...
I'm growing my G13 Labs Auto Ak Freebie as well!
Here she is 8 days through the medium. Your looks like she may have took off a lot quicker then mine. Any tips? What light schedual did you use when se was under 2 weeks old? I'm doing 24 hrs of light.
Cleaned my bong today! Yes, that's a mushroom for a percolator!! Its a ripper! Got a great deal on it locally blown. 2ft tall. Here's some local stuff but by the time it gets to me the strain is usaully unknown.
She got watered at 4:20pm today not on purpose just how it went down lol. Here's a pic ofher after.
Lil note here.....its taking about 1/4-1/2 gal of water before I start to see runoff then I stop let her drain and put her back under the lights. I waster her in the bathroom she's out from...