you are on the right track. buds burn fantastic and I need to pick my keeper pheno in the next 5 days. all 4 females we got in our 5 pack are excellent indica stone, seriously. SpaceDawg is what we reach for at the end of each day. nothing else.
We got both phenos and kept the smelly armpit one. It truly is the best antidepressant medicine we have found. Turns introverts into social creatures. Remarkable medicine.
The SpaceDawg has been blowing our patients minds. I get so many females with Subs gear that it takes a bit to decide which is our keeper. We are deciding between 2 of our 4 SpaceDawgs right now and the finish report will soon follow...
Damn NWRep. I was hoping you would be at Hempstalk Portland so we could get your genetics working for our patients here in Oregon.
Perhaps next year :-)