Yep. whether global warming is real or not really isn't the main issue.
the truth is the Industrial Revolution has taken its toll on our Mother Earth.
we are all guilty.
that garbage island vid is depressing.
one more reason this is the best vid on youtube:
fuck the CIA for their involvement in the turkish invasion and takeover of Northern Cyprus.
and fuck them for their attempted assassination of Makarios III.
the CIA had Cyprus radio broadcast that he was dead even though he wasn't.
the punk bitches.
they did the same thing in Santiago, Chile...
there are 'herbal blends' that will get you stoned.
They contain jwh chemicals. See wikipedia entry for jwh-018.
these chemicals will not be listed on the ingredients however.
Im not sure about the site in question.
Global Warming is a red herring, to distract people from the real issues of pollution facing the Globe.
See Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone
or landfills filled with non biodegradable materials.
Urban Sprawl.
Higher cancer rates for people living near or working on petroleum refinerys...
I'm afraid you are missing the point.
Does Marijuana prohibition float your boat? If not, by your logic get the fuck out.
a true patriot doesn't accept any policy forced upon him with a smile.
there are plenty that can run the nation better, but the system is set against them. they will never...
Corbis / Bettmann By JAMES RISEN
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he Central Intelligence Agency's secret history of its covert operation to overthrow Iran's government in 1953 offers an inside look at how the agency stumbled into success, despite a series of mishaps that...
Blaming interventionist foreign policy of corrupt officials that bought their way to office with campaign contributions from people with special interests is not the same thing as blaming the Nation.
Please drop the (in a bubba accent) "how could ya blame Umerica? Ur unAmerican" argument.
It is...
My local head shop sells HBWR seeds. Which contain same stuff you want from MG seeds, but are more potent if memory serves me correct.
You can order MG and HBWR online from ktbotanicals or bouncing bear botanicals
or many other Online Herbal shops.
Ex drugs tsar creates synthetic alcohol that gives you a buzz without the hangover
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 6:13 PM on 06th January 2010
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Cocaine was made illegal much the same way weed was.
With politicians and newspapers saying it causes "Negroes to rape white women"
the worst thing about cocaine is the fact that it is illegal.