This home has a pool, so piping has been run from the pool pump, through the attic and into the room. This water will cool the A/C's compressor and at the same time act as a heater for the pool.
The A/C arrived on Friday and we plan to install that on Tuesday. The nice thing about these unites...
So, I was called in for another room. Basically this room had been "under construction" for 3 months, but NOTHING was done and no equipment had even been ordered.
This is not my room, but a room for a relative of a friend. we agreed on a price for my work and the equipment to be used. We will...
1k light.
Pick your reflector (cool tube or Magnum XXXL 8" would be my choices) Because of your 7' ceiling, I would want to know what strains and what mediums you plan on using.
Air cool it! Put two 6" or 8" ducts into the drywall and route ducting to and from the outside of the house.
Sent invite to the group. Maybe the upgrade removed you? Click on My Rollitup above the search box. You'll find it there after you subscribe to the group :-)
Guys, I've been REALLY busy. Just to be clear, the construction journal will be updated here. Other goodies are in the private social group which is where I've spent what little time I have had to get on here.
I will get around to inviting everyone and reading the PM's tomorrow. If I havn't...
^ Grrr!!! I feel your pain!
Unhappy about your swapped pictures!
P.S. Your lacey avatar was better, but I actually looked at other pics in the journal today.
Guys that much space would be quite a few more lights.
280 sq ft would be 10-12 1k lights with 5 tons of cooling.
Screw plant count, keep em low and in BIG pots. :-)
A few pages back someone pointed it out to me. Look like a good idea ;-)
I don't like that it looks more like an RV trailer then a car trailer, but each has it's own pros and con's.
Invite to the private journal sent. Must accept friend request to view pics apparently as well.
I've never seen a sok perform, I've only heard they are kinda cheapy. I would push through a filter instead.
If you don't want to put the filter in the attic, I would put the filter in a box, run the feed all the way through the box and to the filter with a second vent on the box feeding the...
Invite sent. The nice part is we all get along in the private social group.
Click on "my rollitup" on the top left, then social groups.
The other nice part, is we can kick people out if they get out of hand. Also, have to accept friend request from me to view pics.
P.S. Just looked at your e-bay links.
Those are NOT the same unit! The new Hydrogen does not have batteries and neither should yours. The Marley you showed did use batteries. I understand those have problems with ignition and re-ignition, dunno.
Wonder if the new Marley also does not have...
Yeah man... any propane water heater works. You can get the larger ones with more flow for larger rooms. They claim to modify it, but I'm not sure.
To be honest, I don't mind having paid for mine. I like supporting companies who try to innovate. If I wasn't having fun or learning something I...
It's over watering. Not saying you are over watering it since who knows what the hell that moisture control is doing. Go get some Pro-mix, sunshine or other soiless "dirt"
If you can up pot with some new medium it'll help, but don't up pot if the roots aren't ready. They look border line for an...