Hello there u r doing fine :) but man why don't u put one more plant or 2.
don't wonna be at your place if this one dies look after him good-u won't sorry=] and one question-what soil do u use 4 that little deamon
Hi there,really healthy lookin' but i think that for an outdoor plant u should
put 'em in some bigger pot =] couze u know bigger is better
but they are lookin great nice work:)
keep em that way and we'll wait to make a hit from them =]
Daaaaamn that shit broooz:)read my idea of a nosebraekin' contest:)
IDEA-post you closest encounters with the law(with pictures)that's gonna be fun and edifying:)Hollllllllllla :)))
ei yo u can make a pipe bong with things that are in every house.My bong pipe is very nice with double filtration,i'll make pix and upload them here so u can c:)it.It'z WIKED:):))
hahaha maaaan i'm a motherfuckin' male plant killa man,i was havin' that HUGE plant.I was so happy it was about 3 meters before it start flowering-imagin' that it was nice,and after some weeks i was making him little shorter(know what i mean the're eyez everywere)and i saw that male shit...
man i don't have such problems with my weed.but the lower leafs aren't so important,cut them 1" before the stalk.try to do this with all bigger leafs that are attached to the stalk.my plants love that :))))but if u do that u must be sure that your plant is flowering,thats a cosmetic operation...