quit telling yourself "I can't" and cut a hole in the room for a vent.
or maybe take off the door and replace with panda poly and cut a hole in it to attach some duct work.
Hairs mean nothing really and are only a lazy mans way to check his crop. Use chart below. And if your any kinda north on the map then waiting till some frost prob is the right answer.
Put extra seeds in black film canister in a cool dark dry place.
You could start them in any potting dirt in sure or something like riot rooters.
I dont grow dirt but keep hearing about worm castings and there is always bat guano.
Check this out
You can enter in the exact amounts of each element for all your products.
Then you tell it the total amounts you would like your mixture to contain.
Click calculate and it figures...
If you mean jabbing a stake into the dirt next to the plant then I can imagine you damaging roots. Plan ahead and put stakes in at the start. With no stake I would say use some string and loosely tie her up somehow.
Soil is not important to growing plants. The plant don't eat dirt like worms do.
The point of Hydro is to deliver what the plant needs in a way that is most easy for the plant to absorb. Medium is only used to support the root system and make the plant steady. Using only water allows the...