LOL.. I wanna know how the rest of THAT story goes...
Won't happen as long as placentas are being sold to extract compounds from that are used in expensive anti wrinkle products.. LOL..
Rock on.. I have a few herbal 'bibles' laying around that get leafed through quite frequently here as...
Another budding herbalist Stoney? It helped alot with my delivery.. blue cohosh/black cohosh/blue veverian tincture in red raspberry leaf tea to kick labor into full gear after it started.. the shepards purse to stop a hemorhage, rescue remedy to stop after birth shakiness, then a motherwort...
It's a tradition in many cultures to bury the placenta and plant a tree over it.. well, we're renting this house, so in the ground isn't an option, so in a pot it went.. LOL..
Oh geez.. you're treading into territory.. you don't even know.. LOL.. I almost did eat my placenta. LOL.. it''s also...
Well.. I wasn't a smoker when I was in institution schooling.. those years of high school I homeschooled myself.. so it was never 'forced education'.. (i.e. I didn't study things I didn't want to at times I didn't want to).. I am seriously an information junkie and am 'studying' most whenever I...
Thanks. LOL.. actually clean up was a breeze.. had dollar store plastic shower curtains thrown down to protect the floor and bed sheets..after all was done folded up the mess in the shower curtains threw them into a garbage bag and took turns hopping into the shower to rinse off.. LOL. and the...
I'm surprised someone with your demeanor hasn't been banned from here yet.. LOL.. contrary to what society would like to impose on us, marijuaina users are all types of REGULAR people with lives the don't just revolve around getting high.. RIU is a community to those who come heres a lot...
Yup.. glad I had foresight and moved last summer.. LOL.. So glad..
WAYYY too many cops in the Chicagoland area.. it seriously was weird moving and not seeing at least 2 cops every time I leave the house .. now I'm lucky if I see 3 cops a month. LOL..
FDD I love you man!! I need a new avatar neways since having the baby.. topping my last entry will be the kicker..gonna need a whole ton of weed for this one LOL..
FDD when exactly is the deadline hour this time? =) And are you sure you have enough prizes this time? LOL. I know having to...