wtf an old folks home lmfao i cant be around people who are not tripping when i am especially a bunch of old peeps and floridasucks i told you roll up to jacksonville i got you man and i just heard its about to roll back in to Duval but you gotta try this mescaline you can right your name in the...
ya bars will not bring you down dxm and acid is alot stronger than xanax it just keeps you mellow and i use them to go to sleep after i am coming down off cid or dxm becuase that sux laying in bed coming down off that shit
i had the same zex kit on my mustang and i tried it a few times was pretty cool but be careful shit will freeze your lungs gotta know how to do it but they sell a kit on ebay that uses little co2 cans that go into bb guns and it punctures it and lets you inhale it
btw floridasucks what strains are going around in the MIA we got deisel some blue cheese and the always availble dynamite my friends swears by that dynamite it has a thc of 26%+ he gave me one of his mothers last year and i grew it better than him lol i did a soil run with 32 clones and then...
i didnt way the trim but it was a huge grow strain was DYNAMITE very good strain ive grown it myself its the plant in my avatar but it was 5 grocery bags of trim he also threw in some buds but im drying them to smoke lol i thought i would get more than 23 grams but it was free i also made a lil...
sandmonkey mad props my friends mad props dont worry you are almost there i would say a week tops them things sure did swell up that NLX looks yummy and it is supposed to be that color i grew some last year looked the same the hairs are dying back the calxys are about to explode i would harvest...
thats all i grow is indica and your in luck ive grown mango depending on your light and your trichs i would say around 50 to 55 days i personaly like couchlook and i harvested my last mango at 73 days never go by what the flowering time says becuase it all depends on your grow and you want your...
i would deff say anything near water and take it mid day so you get the effects of night and day they are totally diff during the day you see the coulds breathe laugh at evevrything water is fun to be around and when night hits be prepared its the bomb man i just had some mescaline and there is...
ya man you can smoke it take some sugar leaves off the ones covered in crystals and rub it over a screen like the one in a grinder and you will get some keef it will get you baked
yuck thats chlorphyl if you wanna sample try water curing or let it dry never smoke your plant raw but that aurora is some dank stuff i love indicas and ive grown that many times great stuff
ya the hairs falling back is a good thing if this is yourr 4th grow and you never seen this that means you harvested early the past 3 times check the trichs you want about 70%amber
hard to tell but i still see lots of white hairs and new growth id wait a week or 2 you could harvest a few buds now of you are desprate but if you wait 2 weeks max you will be rewarded my rule is when i think its done i always go another week more amber trichs the better
deff wait a week maybe 2 and they will swell up a lil i would harvest the top part in a week and leave the bottom buds longer and if you are desparate cut a few small buds quick dry or water cure to hold you off but them are some dank plants i grew the same strain its my avatar i harvested mine...
that is funk my friend just funk great job on the bagseed i love growing bagseeds you never know what your getting i planted a blueberry+cheese bagseed and got something totally diffrent lol it smelt and looked like trainwreck i was happy though
nice grow but why did you leave it in that cup you killed your overall weight your plant needs root space i see it alll the time here not trying to knck your grow but you take all that time and effort and keep it in a plastic cup but nice grow enjoy the smoke send me the seeds lol
ya dude you have atleast 3 maybe 4 weeks left all i see is white hairs and lots of new growth them things will fatten up soon just be paitent but i would say 4 weeks