Please please let me know how it works. I haven't been able to get any cuttings to root because it is soooo freakin hot during the day. I have solved that problem by moving most of the plants outside, but I can't clone outside cuz the wind blows my dome off. Ne way, please let me know, cuz I...
what kinda medium are you using for those clones? With a bubbler can't u just put the cuttings in the neoprene circles and let the mist hit them directly?
Cfls will only burn the plant if the leaves are actually touching the bulb. If you wanna stop in and check out my grow I welcome you to, just click the link in my signature. Don't worry about the pH of the soil, just make sure the water is at 6.5.
The 3 day difference should not be any...
OMG take a look at Destiny, it's killing me to wait...Sorry about the quality of the pics, I don't know why suddenly they are not turning out as well. I'm using the same camera and macro setting so idk wth. Hope is still 8 inches, but faith has grown to just over seven. They are both filling in...
I really think its a matter of days for Destiny now, she is sooo beautiful. I will post another pic of her tomorrow.
My real reason for posting: We went and looked at a house tonight and we will be moving by the first of August. We are not buying this time, but its HUGE and totally remodeled...
depending on how large ur bubbler is, just freeze either a 20 oz pop bottle of water or maybe like one of the individual serving size juice containers and stick it in ur rez. It works great. I did it to keep my bubbler cool until something went wrong and I shut it down...worked good. IMO if its...
Yeah, I would wait if you can...I still cant believe they havent sexed, that's fuckin crazy. I just finished harvesting my auto pollen and my females have buds like mad...I just don't get it!
She's even nicer today...The hairs are turning at a freakin amazing rate of speed. I guess not it is remotely possible she will be done on day 60, she's movin that fast! She makes me throb too...:D
I am positive. I am a felonious patient myself. Convicted 2004 for mj. NO problems at all here, there is even something buried somewhere in all the state's legalese addressing all that.
Well, I checked the flower room and Kali has just exploded with hairs. The little clusters are all over, and getting very bushy. Lucky is 22" tall.
I went out and took pics of the autos...Hope and Faith are both 40 days old, Destiny is 56. Gosh I'm gettin anxious! Faith is the first pic, the...
Hey guys, welcome back lol. Thanks, the frosty is what gets me too. I love the way she is chunking up. Its so funny to see a fucking 3 1/2 inch plant grow nugs like that LOL. Hope and Faith are growing again too. Hope is at 8 inches and Faith is at 6 1/2. (I don't think I mentioned that yet) so...
Okay, so I admit that all in all there is not a dramatic change, but there IS a change, and pretty good for just 1 day. :mrgreen: And even if not...I am really fond of bud porn!