I have never done any hardcore drugs like cocaine or ecstasy but one time I pack a fat bowl of salvia and weed in my double bubbler and I started falling down a bright gold elevator shaft with wind blowing in my face and I couldn't stop laughing. When the trip ended about 2 mins later I was on...
Just replied to your post in my thread. Your stem is thin because there is no natural wind to strengthen it. Just put a cue tip in the soil and tie the stem to it lightly and have a small fan breezing the plant then the stem will get stronger.
The calcium is probably giving your plant nutrient burn. That's just my speculation. I wouldn't worry about feeding your plant until it gets bigger and you start noticing problems. Im sure you plant will survive being topped that early but it might slow growth.
Yea ill post everything.
On the first page you will see the 42 watt cfls. You only need one cfl when the plant is this young but I was trying something.
all my lights combined are 249 watts. I also use a Taotronics 12 watt led. I will be adding a 240 watt Taotronics led panel and some mini led...
Thanks :) My NL x BB is from world of seeds at Herbie's seed bank. Yea ill probably use a string next grow. I'm only growing one plant so I'm vegging her for a long time to get the best yield I can get. Also yesterday I added mycorrhizal fungal spores to help.