So i am starting an online marketing business etc i dont want to get to much into it because i dont want this post to be considered spam.
as some of you may know i got in a bad car accident and i am out of work until further notice.
basically what i am asking is.. i need to get this business up...
well i havent seemed to be addicted i can go like 4-5 days without taking them at all.. then ill take them for the pain.. and also great before sex... lmfao
the vics make me last for like 2-3hours.. its ridiculous haha
Idk they tol me to talk the vicodine about 8-10 a day spread out and like i said only 3 of those valium in a dy but i took 4 in a 2hour period nd got a little droopy eye that was it... Didnt even put me to sleep...
so ur tellin me to take the vics witht he valium to get the good effect?? the valium wont do it alone??...
shit i alwasy here rappers talking about valium in theire songs like its some crazy hallucinatory lol
Well i took 10mg waite about an hour nd half took another 10mg n still nothing.... My pain is all gone but no high... Blah well atleast i got rid of the pain i guess :/
yea he said i have very bad nexk strin and my trapezoids are huge knots so he needs me on some muscle relaxers.. its 5mg a pill... i mean i never rlly took them ever until now.. and for about a week i been doing 5mg every 8 hours.. so i just took 2.. shud i try a 3rd one? idk i always heard...
Got in a bad accident an doc gave me valium... Told me to take 5mg 3 times a day.
I am 210lbs so ive tried taking the 1 pill every 8 hours nd dnt seem to feel anything working. Anyone here use valium know what a goid disge iis to get a decent high?
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Check it out if you guys like hip-hop/rap... even if you don't i could use the feedback
Drake - Over
The Game - Red Nation
DJ Mikey Spikes Blend
im using adobe audition cs5.5 to mix songs etc and do stuff im workong on a new one right now
The Game Ft Lilwayne Red Nation - that instrumental
with Drake - Over on that instrumental
anyone know how to get a dj drop?
for those who dont know what that is.. something that says the dj name on...
i like hip hop / rap r&b..
im trying to become a blend dj and make mixes..
like take instrumentals from one song put vocals from another on it. mix vocals from diff songs on 1 instrumental etc..