Vary nice Smoking guns! well the white rhino stalled on germination 8( its a bummer but its ok i germinated train wreck 4 days ago the caseing pop open with in 24hr and im vary happy to see my 2'' fem train come pushing threw the soil!! so.... bummer on the white rhino but like i sayed its all...
Guys vary awesome stuff,i dont have a cam right now and my cell phone i wouldn't even try lol, but things are looking up the rhino cracked open about 3 days ago with a tap root of 6mm so good so far just trying to meet my deadline 8)!! i hope i can...................
bump......Anyone els on there outdoor grow for the eastcoast pic would be nice to see!! +rep for posting!!!! and hay post me what your somkeing this weekend i had a friend come thro with some bubble gum and dam if it did some like that pink chewing gum from back in the day wow!! ill post a pic...
i have a friend that has order all his roor stuff from them and they were quick and awesome!! ill keep Attitude in mind next time!!!!! IN be-tween me and 2 other friends we have currently about 18 different candy to chooses from 8) and once i get a genetic i normally put a clone in my shock box...
Well guys only pic i can give is germination pic seen one you seen them all lol 8), But i well over the weekend be prapairing my few site's go ahead and get the work done,the way i understand it is that when growing out door and getting them out kinda late might work out for me So someone stop...
Sure thing!! guys i need some good advice tips anything u can shoot at me about clones in the outdoors!! tyvm rep will be given out to all post!! soil recipe's well be awsome!! and also im on the coast so im dealing with alot of salt like i saydtips well be awsome !!!
Because its there first time gosh did u read the front page lol j/k...$$$ bling bling lol anyways im a eastcaost grower indoors mainly but im seting 6 white rhino clones out vary soon im always out to show more love! keep up the work!! remember to take all trash with you!! if u bring something...
Right on Joe joe ya guys i just pop the white rhino into germination so YEEEAAAAA!! 8) good time good times ahead tomorrow ill go and take soil samples from a few area's iam hoping for good ph ground soil but i well mix my own medium ill be posting pic's vary soon in the future!!
Bump.... looking for more peps!!!! so ya 5gal bucket vs soil sandy marsh soil were im at 8( but the soild is black and well be doing a soil sample tommrow!! tyvn for any info!!
yeppers tyvm going to be few a weeks to crack the rhino, veggie then cutting but i think i can get it done and out before july frist or a lil before thanks again!!! i cant wate to see the finish project!!! and yours!!
Tyvm give's me a good idea now!!! your right about are long summers 8) Like i said this well be my first time outdoors and i think im going to have alot of fun,
so to me it being the 18th of may i should be ok put some rly nice bushy cuttings out and about no later then june 21 july at the...
Sweet laides bro vary vary nice so like when would u say it would be to late becuase you know as well as i grem veg ect.. going to take a sec........ im hopeing i still have a lil time left!! tyvm for the post!! i droped some rep on you ill be watching your log!!