As a Californian I think it's time to tax and regulate marijuana for responsable users way would be the harm in legal pot it's a freakin plant it's not alterd you don't have withdraws do any of you feel you should be labeled a crminal for your choice to smoke herb? Why do tobacco smokers hold...
You should not water everyday water enough to keep them good for a few days then when it drys out alittle repeat and only fert every 2weeks to prevent overdose
I put rockstar in my bong before and mr my cousin and his girl all took a drink after ya that was really really nasty and dumb but hey you live and you learn right
This is just a thread for my fellow ca growers and smokers let riu know that cali is the place to be we got the finest herb the finest girls and we always have the best time this is why we are the golden state if your a hater do it movin don't even waste the space show some love for California...
Nice plants it should be a good harvest this fall are you going to start lst it to get a lot of big colas or are you just gonna stick with the 2 or 3 main colas that are going to start growing
Most stealthy way you ever hidden weed before in your car I've seen hallow steering wheels centers and modified head rest would love to see some new ideas