My plant is 8 days old with 2 nodes you know in the middle where the new growth comes at there is nothing I mean no leaves forming its not dead its healthy and green should I wait or junk it
I am growing special kush and white x big bud I'm trying to get the most out of both of them should I let them go regular for the whole grow or top or fim them
Ok I got like 3 grows under my belt I pretty much just waTered and that was it how does ph work like what should it be at and. How does it work I figure my grow would go better
I am in home depot. And I see they have a inline fan for 25 bucks is this one any good could it blow thru zen 4 inch zen diy carbon filter and how could you hook these wires up thanks
Has anybody had any luck with getting a pc fan to work through a carbon filter could you let me know what works I just need to lill the smell and I have a 120mm fan
I am growing in a rubbermaid. Growbox and I have a 120 mm computer fan for exhaust and now its kicking out that sweet smell I don't care but the wife does can I hook up a filter to it to kill the smell and how. Will this mess with the air flow up can some please help me fast I don't want to get...
I am doing the scrog method I have the net 7 inch above when the plant starts to peek thru do I just keep pushing them back under in a certain direction or do I just weave them over then under the net thanks