Well, I already have the 6" vortec now, which I use with the two lights. So I was thinking of just changing to an 8", but not sure with all the bends in the ducting if I will need the extra fan yet.
I hear you on that. I use that 6" now and it cools both lights great. I would actually not...
I just wanted to share what I am planning on adding to my set-up. Currently I am running two 1000w with ocho reflectors long ways over the trays with light rail mover. I am adding one more 1000w with another ocho, turning the reflectors perpendicular to the trays and removing the mover. I will...
Ya, that is a pretty good for Pk. It is going to be a tough strain to try and pull a gpw. It sounds like you got shit under control now, but I would suggest running that chiller through your reserviors too. The reservior temperature is as/or more important as he ambient room temps ( IMO). When...
Thanks Bro. I know what you are talking about. I don't get it much since I started using the Cal/Mag. I still get a spot here or there on the older bottom leaves though. I think it is a mag deficiency that causes that. House and Garden recommends adding some type of cal/mag to their line.
Thanks to the Denver Donkeys, we are now 1st in the Division!! Got to love it. It's funny, I was smoking on some pk today watchin football. I do bring my vap to the Raider game tailgating too. lol Actually the last game I was at, when I went to take piss, there was two lines. One for the...
You know, I was just smoking on some OCD and the sweet citrus shadows the diesel smell. My wife and I are both were just saying that it tastes more like oranges the longer it is in jars.
lol Thanks Brotha! Got to love a faded riu stroll the gardens.
I appreciate the props quick. There are...
I would defintaley try and use the entire line, but if you had to cut anywhere it would be the Algen Extract, Multi zyme, and even the top booster.
so every 7 days when I add more nutrients products into the resavoir , what do i do in the meantime when I need to add more water to the resavoir...
Dude not sure if you realize it or not, but I think I see Beatle Juice in your room. lol
Hey, nice work King. You have a future jungle on your hands for sure. Diggin your buddies outdoor too, thanks for sharing.
Here is the Beatle Juice sighting.
At 2.5 mls per gal of A/B, they might be hungry. I use 5 ml through veg as soon as they are rooted. I agree on the multizyme, not until flower. I always add a little extra cal/mag even when using Cocos. Also, I agree with the magic synergy of Root excel and great white ( works well for...
I have been slackin on the updates. I have just had a lot of shit going on, you know life and everything. Anyway all is good and today was a special day for me, so I am on cloud nine.
So it is day 40 and the girls have been getting their shooting powder for about 9 days now. They seem to be...