Hi All just wanted people to know how great using a vapourizer can be. I ran out off Fresh green weed about 4 or 5 days ago but because I use a Vape I have what I call PVW (post vaped weed) after vaping my weed twice I put it in a little tin which in time of need I get out and put it back...
Hello all Just finished taking some new photos so see what you think, any guess's on how long Left? I think around 2 weeks ish the lower level buds pistils are pretty much all red but the main kola is still quite white (and growing nicely) I have ordered a 100x mag (about 3/4 weeks ago) but its...
Its an odd feeling I just felt weird but my mate thought he was sinking into his sofa lol the 20X upwards works best. try google see if you can find any sites good luck
Alright fella yer my net and laptop have been playing up to man its annoying, I thought that myself it was only the bottom few leaves that died off and the rest of the plant seems nice and healthy :mrgreen: I'll have some new photos up tomorrow so I'll be asking people opinions on how long shes...
alright Guys & Girls i'm off for a couple of days to visit the girlfriends family & to get a new car so I'll be back on the 23/04/11 I watered her yesterday, I've just check her an had to water her again because she'd be way to dry by the time i got back laters all
Hi all
I've got a few more photos to put up shes fattening up now so I've taken some photos with me next to her so you can get an idea of the size and theres also some close ups through a 30x mag :mrgreen: she smelling amazing right now cant quite put my finger on what she smell like but its...
Hello all I've fixed my laptop I wiped it and upgraded myself to windows 7 (from Vista which I hate because its shit) and installed AVG so laptop is all good now. That was the reason I haven't been updating my thread recently but she doing good starting to fill out more in the buds and after...
sorry it took me so long to get back to you My laptop is fucked so been trying to fix it. I realized I've been giving her about double the recommended dose Thanks mantiszn my bad but I think shes ok no seems ok after I flushed her we'll see how she gets on in the next few days :mrgreen:
Hi Guys (and Girls)
Sorry I haven't posted in a while because I had my wisdom tooth out last Friday and was having trouble with it (hurting worse than before it was out) by Tuesday I couldn't take it anymore so I called the dentist they said come in tomorrow (Wednesday) and we'll see what the...
Haha thanks man I'll just have a big bag of vape when I get bit an forget about it lol fair enough only grown Autos so used to it all being over in 2 months ish I'm learning lol haha yer I can see what you mean :mrgrren: its like 'I'll be fine just one more plant, then oops too many' good good...
cool man well good look with that one will be goos to see how it turns out :mrgreen: vaping is weird at first. All my mate Me included when we first did it we were thinking this is a bit shit etc but we were sharing bags having a hit each so it was always a real light high. so me and one mate...
Not to bad man but I do have to get my left wisdom teeth out tomorrow I had the right side over a year ago so get that out the way and it will all be good :mrgreen: ahh fair I can see how that works theres another thing to try at some point. really six weeks? lol I'm willing to wait thought I'm...