you play on words "early teens" makes me sound like some kinda freak.
I said when nature says your ready, you are ready.
any rational man would want a prime mate for reproduction.
not some one in decline.
can you provide source of information that teens face risk of death and defects?
I will...
You must have ESP.
but you already provided an example.
Your children turned out ok, I would bet. But you claim you were not ready?
Age of consent by country:
But that is beside the point,David Korsh did nothing that justified the unconstitutional ATF and the ugliest person I have ever...
Fullbrights correct. screw died on the 16th.
I don't like drake, but see nothing wrong with him paying tribute to a great artist such as Screw.
If just one person that never jammed screw before , starts listening to screw because of this song, then good job Drake.
Rap has been pop since...
Nice one liners,
Reminds me of a bad 80's comedy.
please explain why you can't have liberty without security.
and Please explain the reason that your insightful one liner is accurate, but Ben Franklins is wrong.
And please, no condescending remark along the lines of "if you dont understand ...
I'm a fan if JWH's.
I was pleased with all 4 I tried.
Highly recommended for anybody that cant toke due to testing or other reasons.
I had to quit smoking weed while trying to find a new job.
I couldn't sleep at night without weed.
That was until i got my hands on some JWH.
you Liberalral fucks.
David Koresh didn't rape anybodys daughter. Quit spreading lies on subjects you know nothing about.
Tell me something about Waco and David Koresh that you didn't hear first from Dan Rather you koolaide drinking broken records.
Fuck Reno and Clinton for burning down the...
"Security without liberty is called prison. -Ben Franklin
"They who would give up liberty for security, deserve neither liberty or security." -Ben franklin
It was interventionist foreign policy that created the BLOWBACK.
Read Imperial Hubris and Through our Enemy's eyes written by Michael...
in Kansas.
A Kansas lawmaker on Monday will announce his plans for legislation that would ban incense that some say produce a marijuana-like high when smoked.
Rep. Rob Olson, R-Olathe, said in a Sunday news release...
Mike Wallace lights up a cigarette in primetime.
thanks for the videos.
hey Abe, please elaborate on how laissez-faire capitalism was responsible for the crisis.
I thought the markets and industry were riddled with regulation.
But what do I know.