Subcool's Kaboom in Roots Organic Soil So I just picked up a kaboom I am trying, which is now about 4 ft and very nice amount of leavesI am flowering it in roots organic soil..w bat guano some alfalfa meal and a few other...
man my dog wheezes when it drinks my other one doesnt ima try n give it filtered thanks alot man!!
naw it takes 15 min total to fill it up 3 times not bad at all i cud feed about 7 to 9 plants within 30 40 minutes not bad...
it filters its own my fridge..i love using filtered h20 for my plants.
i have floresent bulbs on the floor of my grow room for bottom growth and noticing about 10-15 gnats on the lights of the floresent tubes? ..walking like there dead really slow and not flying ??
i sprayed azatrol about 2 days ago and 3 days ago to u think this is what slowed them down ? i...
sup beans!!!! i feel u ..the water for example in santa barbara is fucking horrible !! i would have no choice if i lived there over here its not SO bad at ALL i acully like it but the filtered water i use i think is the best choice for me...
victory what line up (nutes) do u use?
thanks so much for the input u 2!
ya they said its the purest water u could get its 9x reversed he said normally there 5x...
but thanks guys no need then i guess :) my plants LOVE the filter fridge water that comes out by the ice.plants grow huge n quick!
t ray im subbed for ur grow cant wait
YOUR OTHERS ARE UNBEATABLE !!!beautiful beauties!! :) hope u enjoyed the smoke..ima stay and see how these turn out :bigjoint:
hey everyone my brother just randomly went to a water store and got R/O water surprisingly for him to drink. as he saids our water here is bad and full of
chemicals that slowly kills you. i was just wondering if switching to R/O water from my normal FILTERED FRIDGE WATER..which im seeing GREAT...
not yet sf but i will soon ..
what did u foilar with?
...i always spray the buds till week 5 only wow am i seein good results!!!!!!using snow storm ultra...only
jus followed ur thread!! loved it!
did u foilar spray at all!! ?? also did u feed/water/feed/water the whole way thru ? did u ever feed twice ina row?
dude ur plants are crazy frosty good shit ! ;)
haha method i feel u sounds crazy tho..i would do it if the plant finishes at 10 ft hahaah
beans davis thats alll u use NOTHING else ?? what soil u use sounds crazy heard alot of good things about dyna gro how is this better then others ?