Welcome to growing man. It's a big part of my life now and I hope you expect the same. :)
Now, to get to the fucking pointttttttttttttt.
Stupid question? No. A NECESSARY question. Not everybody understands the 12:12 photoperiod.
Let me give you some background details about Flowering a...
Well folks, this is the baby that will be receiving the Molasses treatment. Now, in order for you to thoroughly enjoy this moment...
Listen to this while viewing my baby. ;)
Another quick update. :)
Got me some Unsulphured Grandma's Molasses for my newest, organic, little darling. I'm going to hold off on feeding her until she's past her Cotyledon leaves though!
Quick question though: How much molasses do I add to every gallon of water? I heard 1 Tbsp.
DJ! You're at it again my friend. I too want to make some Cannabutter out of my sugar leaves + fluff buds. I'll be using this recipe!
Now, I'm no cook. In the last picture (Almost done) is that a lot of extra water in there? Like.. Does the "butter" itself separate from liquid?
With regular camera phones you're able to send pictures directly to your email by typing your email address directly in the "Recipient" section just as you would to log-in to your email.
Download and save the image, then bring it up here!
Sticky, it's clear we don't know eachother. I'm around your age and I don't think you're thinking about any of what you're saying man! What would your Grandma tell you if you told her you were going to kill yourself? Suicide is the most selfish thing someone could ever do! Think about all the...
You ever smoke some AK-47? Mann.. The last time I tried that it was right along with "Green Crack" and they were both phenomenal smokes. In other words...
I got medicated.
Well, Alyss. That looks like Nitrogen deficiency. A simple cure, add about a half tsp of epsom salt per gallon of water and water your plant once a week with this, along with it's regular watering schedule. That should help bring a little color back to those leaves.
I would definitely only trim the plant and expect new, big, healthy growth from a plant that's in it's vegetative state. Once you start flowering the plant, it will have a growth spurt and soon enough growth upward will slooooooowwwwwwwwwwww. So yes, trim while you're vegging your plant out for...
Well.. If this gives you any insight to what you want to do with your plant, more power to ya'. My friend has a plant that was a single-stalk plant. Just straight up, with fan leaves coming off the sides. He FIM'd just the tip of it, and it's now growing like a "Y" basically. (Main stem growth)
Well, cloning is a good idea! Also topping/FIMing your plant, like you mentioned above, is important for a plant with many branches which results in many top-colas.
Can't wait!