Right i live on an island in the channel islands and the only weed we get here is has that is normally classed as rocky or pollen i just want to show you guys what it looks like etc because i am pretty sure its laced with all sorts. I have had 2 werid nights on it where i have had major symptoms...
Hey my plant has sprouted but the skin of the seed seems to be lingering on the top and dont want to rush it or try get it off , might just be paranoid and need to wait abit longer
Heres a pic:
I have a cable run from the wash house it goes under the roof tiles round the back off a wall and round the back off the garden so pretty much is a long extension cord but its good because its unseen run up a tree and into the side window
If i germinate in the pot i will be realy paranoid about watering if it needed before the seedling sprouts so afraid of drowning it , trying to go for the water throughly first then pot and hope its sprouts before it need watering again , this way its a relief!
Seriously guys I can't tell you how much i appreciate all your advice its amazing will try + rep you all just stick around for a alittle longer will give my findings:
OK so i dug up the seed the root has shrivled back into the seed. thats all i found lol , so i am guessing i cooked it seeing...
I keep trying and nothing is working ,i water the pot throughly the day before then put the light on overnight to heat the soil, whilst doing this i germinate the seed in the paper towl thats cool the root comes out , then i plant it in my potted soil about 1/4 inch deep sprinkle some soil over...
I have this soil for repotting plants as it states on the packet it is "famous for" wondering if i germinated the seed in this soil would the seed germinate or if i put it in after it's first root has come out (paper towel method), would it sprout at the surface the soil in general is nice can...
I slowly took the soil away with tweezers and didn't find any evidence of it actually being there :O i think i raped it with water or something odd but couldn't find anything so i am going to start again it looks like
Any tips or what just happened , and what i could do to actually get my next...
o dear looks like i messed up maybe it was to deep , i water it abit on the second day which i do realise now was a mistake seeing as i reckon with it being a big pot already and i watered it the first day i might of already overwatered , was convinced by a guide to water them everyday in...
Sorry about the title should be Advice , its getting late where i live ha
I put the seedling into the pot when the seeds first root came out while using the wet paper towl method , just waiting on the seed to rise up to the top now , been like 2 and a half days and looking on the internet...