That would be because the "word" legal or legalization isn't in the prop. I'm obviously not a lawyer, but I believe it is the "regulations" of the thing that makes it "legal" or "illegal". I've never seen a law that "pronounced" something to be "legal". If the "regulations" in a prop state you...
LOL, Hi there Underplay, good post, very hard to miss the point, in spite of the "overplay", (pun intended), three times could be the charm! Good luck & good grow.......BB
Well Howdy, Howdy......outdoor flushing in the "ground" is called "rain". This will occur naturally in most places where fruiting plants occur. The purposes of "rain" are many fold. Most importantly, It's for "hydration" for the plant. Also, as "rain" water descends through the soil strata, it...
Well.....with belittlement, condescending attitude, and a pathetic attack on my age; you will now withdraw?
OK, that's cool. One less clown to answer, and that works for me.
Yes, for sure I can be "one rude ol' MoFu", when presented with unbendable ignorance and/or perceived ingenuousness.
Oh damn....You nailed me! 71 to be exact!
However......"STAND OFFISH"?.....LOL, I would think that my passion for this cause would demonstrate quite the opposite, I go after BS and lies with gusto! Nope, no "stand offishness" here.
And resentful? GUILTY!........I resent clowns with...
YOU agree that it IS petty! So stop right there. "but that is what it has come to", is YOUR take.
The money, the "attitude", etc has already "infected" MJ, and has done so ever since the "illegality" of cannabis began over 70 years ago. Do you believe that by defeating 19, it would all go...
I know exactly what you "mean" Nate, "please don't confuse me with the facts, don't blind me with the truth, I would prefer to spew unfounded rhetoric and outright lies to further my cause".
KUDOS THC! I wish I had found this one, a clear, concise, on-point post. Morgan Fox surely has the intelligence and insight to lay the facts on the table. +rep for YOU!....BB
"Apples & Oranges", NOT! Nate. They both take strong positions on the issue at hand, I fail to see that as irrelevant.
You seem to be saying that we should listen to the "Dragonfly", because "she's a regular person who cares", and blow off the attorney who understands the wording of 19, and...
Gee Nate, I wish I WAS 18/20 again, LOL, But sadly for me, that was a long time ago.
Let's try this: Here is an "esteemed" spokeswoman for the Naysayers:
And this is a spokesman for prop 19...
Please try to explain how that saying it certainly doesn't make it so......c'mon genius, put it out there......give it your best shot....
Explain exactly HOW Prop 19 "destroys" 215......And NO cheating....SHOW US the wording in 19, that "destroys" 215......And NOT "what my friend...
Wrong again....I'm not "mad just cause" YOU'RE "going to vote NO!", I'm MAD because another uniformed Naysayer tries to slip BS into a post as fact! And THEN does some qualified mea culpa, and blames HIS ignorance of his "friend"! Yeah, that does kind of piss me off.
Why you ask? Because if I...
No my uninformed friend, I have never pondered that question because it's NOT true.
You are obviously another silly anti-19, nay saying wank!
Come to a thread and spew total BS, shame on you.
And this is why:>
LOL, that is SO true! I used to think I was going a little daft and/or obsessive on my girls. I'm retired and spend at least 6 hours a day in the grow area, everyday, but now I hear almost the same stories from many growers. A common thread is folks will sit or stand and stare out at their girls...
I believe they call that "reaffirmation", it tends to give the OP confidence in the answers given.
And yes, I too will give the "same fucking answer", Looks like some weeks off till a proper harvest, but go by the TRICHOMES.
Good luck & good grow.......BB