Iran has said that its latest exercise is not aimed at any country but carries "a message of peace and friendship."
Yea....Just wait till israel loses the plot and all hell breaks loose.
Personly i dont think there as potent as the strains of cubensis shrooms i have consumed, defo not as trippy anyway. More on the slight visuals side and very giggly. I have done the same weight in thai before and tripped mega balls.
I have never had them dry before so i dont have a clue about...
Oh man, im steaming at the loins now! Ha ha ha.
Proberly one of my all time favorite tunes, i have cried to this one :) Who ever conceived this one is a pure genious!
Man these tunes are bringing back memory's! Mad bangers in the point depot sweat drippin off the roof. Leaning up on the speakers and giving it welly till your legs drop off. Its a pity they dont hold them there anymore, we used to get a bus load of us into dublin twice a year. Man i miss tho's...