super skunk is a beautiful sativa! I have one going too right now, at about 8 weeks into flower. If there is any way possible I would hook up your timer to a desk lamp or something so that you could have just a little light, that way it would simulate a cloudy day instead of complete night. I...
I have had two crops of autos so far, and I have found that the best way to do it is to run the lights 20/4 or 18/6. You can use cfls, I do, but make sure you start out with daylight cfls for the veg period and then add soft white when it starts to flower. I've heard a 2:1 ratio is the best way...
Congrats Natty! Hey Mach, I think I may be seeing signs of life from the one I planted. I'm pretty sure I see its little head tryin to come up, but I dont wanna mess with it to be sure.
Nice job with the fert bill, she's lookin much better!
Here are the pics of my newly mylared flowering (pic 1) and veg (pic 2) areas. The second one is my newly constructed work station equipped with all my stuff! I finally got my new room almost done.
My PW still hasnt done anything, so I planted one of the mid x auto beans that I made just in...
Hey guys, I just planted one in a shot glass too! Make that five in the contest!
Also, how long are you supposed to leave seeds in water in a glass to see if they float or sink? And sinking is good, or bad? I can't freakin remember LOL