Nice man. Thanks for the pics. I’m thinking about getting a 4x8 for future expansion if legal. The tent will be 80” tall. Do you know if the lec 630 will burn the plants at this height? I was hoping to get one now and add one later if needed. Other wise I might end up with 3 315 lec or 400s.
Thanks a lot. I think this will work good. I will draw my intake air from the tent side and dump it in the the other side of the basement. It happens to be a lot larger than the tent side so I think I won’t need another fan to dump it out side. I also have a portable ac already so if I need it I...
Sorry I’m not saying I think I need a hepa. I’m just asking how it would work. I just want a clean environment. So you think I would be ok with one fan say 8” to 10” pulling air into the tent with some pleated ac filters up through my charcoal filter and maybe a muffler to get good air from the...
The basement has 2 large rooms. The portion I will be setting up in is walled off with a door. Old stone foundation that doesn’t leak but just stays damp if I don’t run a dehumidifier. The room is about 20x16. The boiler and water heaters are down there so it stays warm in the winter time also.
So maybe take it from the Basement through a hepa filter and exhaust it outside through the charcoal filter? Will I need a second fan to pull air in or just one big fan for everything?
i will be setting up a 4x8 tent in my basement with with 2 cmh lights. Haven’t decide on 2 400s or 2 630s yet. Opinions are welcome. My main concern is proper ventilation. The basement can get kind of damp. I have a large dehumidifier that I can use to get the levels down to exceptable. I also...
Now that I can legally have 2 flowering plants I want to get a tent for my basement. I don’t have any indoor experience so I am looking for some help. What size tent and lighting would you recommend for 2 large plants for maximum yield. I have plenty of room so I can go pretty big if need be...