I didn't read all seven pages. I'm just going to respond to the original poster.
The difference as I see it. You can make fun of anything you like; aids, fat people, other races, retarded kids doesn't matter. That is part of freedom of speech. But when you interfere in someone's life then you...
Hey everyone, I thought as popular as Miracle Grow is there's a lot of people that use it and tweak it for their growing needs. What are some of your tricks when using Miracle Grow?
I've just started using it, and went with the MG Cactus soil because I figure it would be best for drainage...
Hi does anyone know if this soil mix would burn any seedlings or clones?
6 40lb bags of Top Soil no nutrients added
4lbs Blood Meal
4lbs Bone Meal
30lbs of Worm Castings
4lbs of Bat guano
3/4cups of Espson salt.
LMAO! Plants going to lift weights and then make Weed Porn! Depending on what size you want them to be I would transplant them into bigger pots. You can get 5gal buckets at lowes or homedepot for about 2.88 that work great. CFL's are fine for a micro grow just for fun. But if you want good bud...
I'm using this same exact stuff. And I follow what a previous poster said half every 3 waterings. I use soil and do 1 scoop (comes with a tsp scooper) per gallon of water.
Seeds will last a long time if stored properly. Just keep them for a rainy day. You never know when you might have to start over from seed so it will be good to have them around. Seal them really well in a jar or freezer bag and store them in a cool dry place.
*Warning Talking out of my ass here* The reason I would imagine that the tea is giving a buzz is because you said to brush up the leaves and bud a bit. I'm thinking once the hot water hits them. They are knocked off into the water and activated by the heat. But it's only giving you a buzz...
Hey all. Just gathering some stuff for a indoor garden. I could not find perlite. I was wondering if I could use kitty litter in lew of this. I purchased the cheapest I could find so that the only ingredient is crushed clay and nothing else. Do you think this will work or did I just waste $2?