wow ur an idiot man charles darwin even prove dthat to be rediculous! lofl thanks for strengthenin my case with tha~+
once again read what u post man! darwin said they are not sleeping but protecting themselves lofl!
Date: Fri Oct 16 02:13:03 2009
Posted By: Will Higgs, Consultant
Area of science: Botany
ID: 1255280338.Bt
That's an interesting question Akua, and before we can answer it we need todecide exactly what we mean by sleep. It is normally defined as "a state of unconciousness, with most...
Living things such as plants that partake of growth but that do not have the faculty of sense perception do not sleep or wake.
aristotle musta been a fucking idiot huh and read the first paragraph starting with How...
During the daytime, plants produce energy in the form of ATP and NADPH (light reactions)...during the night, these energy forms go to the dark reactions (Calvin Cycle) to fuel the production of organic molecules from CO2 collected during the day...some of these organic molecules will be stored...
yo where the fuck have u been in tha last 12 hours man ur a str8 up retard! how have i not posted links? are u that fuckin stupid that u dont remember that u wur thee one that chose to ignore my reputible sources? do u 4get u wur the pne and still the one that is posting pure oppinion except...
Dj man this guys are just that dull! this looks familiar though huh!? no matter what we tell him or prove to him hes gonna stay narrowminded and basically not share anything worth shitting on!
what are u talkin about that is ur post that u try to use to say that they are sleeping? wtf thats the post i said howdoes closed stomata determine sleep? and i said that means all desert plants sleep during the day then becuase theirs are closed all day and open at night...which i then went on...
all u need is cane grass! u dnt even have to plant them in the grass u just needa put them infornt of it and the same color green camos the mj plants! everyone here plants that way and u could be standing a few feet from em and not even notice!
lofl and yet u still dispute facts...what swrong with u ppl? they test thc level and they test cbd levels so what are u again trying to bullshit to us? u wur never right and infact talked ur self in a hole! u sound like a fool u dont even kno what u right and then wen ppl call u out u say they...
excuse me sir u did not prove that plants sleep at all u only prove that plants shut down to protect from cold and bean plants at that!...also how are u right if u have not proven anything saying that plants sleep? u should go to ur teacher becuase u college kids are smarter than the rest of the...
he said no thanks hes to busy watching my plants sleep! and hes not attracted to ignorant uneducated fake ass growers that think they can teach everyone else their bullshit without accuratley proving nething other than u are incompatent at recieving and proccessing any good or usefull...